суббота, 29 декабря 2012 г.

Decree No9 copied from Stalin’s decree of 1940

The discouraging fact was found out at the round table of the legal department of the radio and electronics industry’s trade union.

During the discussion the lawyers found the similarities between the Belarus president’s decree as of 7 December 2012 and the decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the USSR as of 26 June 1940.

Salidarnasc gives the excerpts from both documents for comparison.

The decree No9 as of 7 December 2012

“About additional measures for development of timber processing industry”

1. Enact that:

1.2. cancellation of a contract in the period of the implementation of investment projects on initiative of a worker is only possible with the agreement of the employer;

1.5. when cancelling a contract with a worker on worker’s initiative or in the circumstances not dependent on the parties’ will, according to the legislation the amounts of monthly payments are to be returned by the worker to the employer in a month from the contract’s cancellation;

In case of non-payment of the monthly amount…

1.6. after the expiration date, defined in the part one of the paragraph 1.5, the organization appeals to the court in order to exact the monthly payment in accordance with the Civic Code of the Republic of Belarus.

The court’s decision must be taken in three days after the application.

The decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the USSR as of 26 June 1940:

“About the transition to an 8-hour working day, seven day working week and the prohibition of the voluntary withdrawal of workers from enterprises and institutions”

…3. Forbid voluntary withdrawal of workers and employees of the state, cooperative and public enterprises and institutions, and also voluntary transfers form one enterprise or institution to another.

Withdrawal from an enterprise or institution or transfer from one enterprise or institution to another can only be permitted by the director of the enterprise or the head of the institution.

…5. Enact that workers and employees, having voluntary left state, cooperative or public enterprises or institutions, will be held responsible in a court and sentenced to imprisonment from 2 to 4 months.

Enact that for absenteeism without valid reasons workers and employees of state, cooperative or public enterprises or institutions will be held responsible in a court and sentenced to corrective works at the place of employment for 6 months with withholding up to 25% of their salaries.

We would note that as compared to Stalin’s decree as of 1940 in the decree No9 there is the regulation missing about sending workers to compulsive works, although Aliaksandr Lukashenka considered this possibility before signing the decree.

Commentator Aliaksandr Krasnapeutsau

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