четверг, 4 апреля 2013 г.

Builders were on strike in Vicebsk

Workers of Vicebsk’s house-building factory refused to start working because of a salary delay.

A mobile phone filmed video appeared on the social network vkontakte, which recorded an argument between the builders and the management. It turned out that the reason for the discontent of the workers was a salary delay like in June 2012 at the panel construction house building factory, People’s News of Vicebsk report.

The thing is that on 1 April the workers of the house-building factory could not receive the salary for February, which had been promised to them. Only after the disturbances money was transferred to the accounts of the workers on 2 April at approximately 12.50, however only 50% of the amount due for February. They promise to pay the second half during a week.
The workers of Vicebsk’s house-building factory are not only discontented with the untimely salary payment, but also its amount – the majority receives from 2 to 3 million roubles. A representative of the ministry visited the panel construction house building factory, who promised to raise the salary in couple months, but the workers do not believe these promises since, according to them, the factory is in a disastrous financial condition.

The workers also say that standing idles happen on a regular basis because of the absence of petrol, diesel fuel, gas or building materials, and this negatively influences the salaries. There are even problems with tools and overalls.

We would remind that salary delays are not rare at Belarusian enterprises and state institutions. Thus, the workers of educational institutions have not been paid the salaries for several months already.

Commentator Aliaksandr Krasnapeutsau

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